Additional Needs

How are the additional needs of students with SEN met?

Meeting the needs of students with special educational needs within Caedmon College Whitby has always been a very important part of our ethos. Caedmon College Whitby is an inclusive College and aims to provide the support for all students from Whitby who attend this College regardless of their needs and/or disabilities.

Caedmon College Whitby has a long history of success with young people with a range of special educational needs, from Downs Syndrome to dyslexia, from ASD (autistic spectrum disorder) to ADHD (attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder), from dyscalculia to hearing impairment.

Our Aims

The College community believes that:

  • all students are equally valued and the College has high aspirations for all
  • all students are the shared responsibility of all staff
  • all students are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum which is personalised and focused on individual outcomes
  • teaching and learning will be adapted to suit the needs of learners and recognise different routes to achievement
  • early and accurate identification is essential
  • there will be a flexible continuum of provision for students with SEND
  • SEND and high needs funding will be used efficiently to ensure good progress of students with additional needs
  • staff will be given appropriate training to allow them to meet a wide range of needs
  • parents will be fully involved as partners in their son/daughter’s education
  • students will be encouraged to give their views on what learning is like for them
  • governors should have access to information which will allow them to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the SEND policy

Focus on outcomes for the student:

  • strategically use the SENCO to support quality teaching and evaluate the quality support and contribute to College improvement
  • to monitor progress and highlight any students not making expected progress. If identified then an appropriate numeracy/literacy programme will be used to boost progress
  • resources are targeted to provide maximum benefit to students

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